Kenya Anderson, LMSW
Kenya Anderson serves as a skilled Social Worker in the Mid-South and West Tennessee providing academic advisement, coaching and mentorship for first generation college students in the School of Social Work at the University of Memphis. Currently, Mrs. Anderson is a Clinical Associate Professor and holds a professional license as a Licensed Masters level Social Worker (LMSW) with a concentration in Management and
Evidence-Based Community Practice in the State of Tennessee. Her professional affiliations include the National Association of Social Workers, Council on Social Work Education, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and the Coalition of Black Social Workers. She is serving a second term as an appointed Regulatory Board Member to the Tennessee Department of Health-Related Boards for Social Work Licensure. Through her service as a regulator, Mrs. Anderson was appointed as the chair of the Regulatory Research Committee with the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB). She has also been recognized for her dedication in enhancing the Path to Licensure for social work education programs and recipient of the 2023 Sunny Andrews Award for Outstanding Commitment to Regulatory Service.
For five years of service, Mrs. Anderson’s professional appointment with the University of Memphis was as the BA Field Director and Academic Advisor in the School of Social Work. In 2022, she was the selected to fulfill the role of Baccalaureate Social Work program Director at the University of Memphis where she continues a twenty-four-year career as a civil servant in the State of Tennessee.